July 23, 2011

Look at me, taking after my dad :)

Let me preface this post by saying this: I do NOT plan on making this a cooking blog. But, I'm constantly trying to find meals that I can make single-serving. This one actually came out really well, so I'm sharing it here.

Farfalle with (Imitation!) Crab

3/4 cup dry farfalle

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar (you can use more if you like, I'm not a fan of balsamic in large doses)
1/4 tbsp soy sauce
3-4 drops of lemon juice
1/4 tsp garlic powder
Cracked pepper to taste
1 small sprig of fresh cilantro 

1/2 cup imitation crab meat

I'm bad about measuring water to boil pasta, but typically, I fill the pot about halfway. Once boiling, pour in the farfalle and reduce heat. Cook for 13 -14 minutes. 

While the pasta cooked, I combined all of the dressing ingredients (that middle section up there) together in a small bowl and whisked it all together. I was really lazy about chopping up my cilantro. If you don't mind the big leaves, feel free to be as lazy as me, but I'd recommend a finer chop. 

Once the pasta is cooked, strain and transfer to a bowl (I used the fancy blue ones since I was going to take pictures). Pour dressing over pasta. I added my crab straight from the fridge, but if you prefer to heat yours up, go for it. 

And bam! Yummy delicious pasta for one. Plus the recipe is pretty easy to multiply for more people.

A raring cooking success by me. I deserve a freaking medal. 
