So yeah....
Finals Week!
I hate finals week with the passion of a thousand burning suns. This is the time of year where I'm staying up until 4 in the morning before an 8 am exam to finish writing notecards. Yes, I know, you do better when you sleep, but somehow, this doesn't apply to me. I took my English exam this morning, and either I was completely delirious from lack of sleep, or I fucking ACED IT! Red Bull is my friend more than ever this week....I must...surviiiiiiiiiive.
I've gotten fairly lucky this year in that I'm taking finals that I'm either really interested in or aren't that hard to study for. {Did I mention that procrastination is the lovely cause for all these 4 am study sessions? Yes, I know, bad Sam. -_- } I have a feeling that I've actually done well enough over these courses to make some really solid grades on my exams. Hopefully this means I'm getting better at school-ish type things and what have you....
Theatre Banquet
For this year's Thespian Banquet at my alma mater, my former theater teacher is being recognized for his tenth year at the school. The tech theater teacher got in touch with me and asked me to come tell a couple of stories and talk to the crowd. I think it will be fun...I went all geeky and made a notecard of what I want to say so I don't go off on some crazy ass tangent and start dropping f-bombs in front of my former teachers. I mean, I'm a pretty blunt person, but you gotta have some respect for the people that forced you through the awkwardness that was being a teenager. We'll see how it goes; I've always gotten good grades in public speaking. Not to mention, I'm an actor and want to do this kind of shit for a living....see....there I go again.
9:58: Banquet was great. Didn't cuss or make a fool of myself. And I have to say, its really a wonderful thing to see that the kids who go to my high school now are just as passionate and excited about acting as I am. Gives me hope.
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